all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 4DE 13 0 53.989814 -1.107132
YO30 4GD 1 1 53.988458 -1.091651
YO30 4GP 1 1 53.989722 -1.101964
YO30 4GQ 1 1 53.989731 -1.097159
YO30 4GR 4 3 53.987121 -1.100297
YO30 4GT 1 1 53.989088 -1.097753
YO30 4GZ 1 1 53.987566 -1.103337
YO30 4QW 1 1 53.978217 -1.065373
YO30 4RA 10 9 53.990453 -1.097556
YO30 4RY 8 6 53.985552 -1.09359
YO30 4RZ 2 2 53.985383 -1.099916
YO30 4SR 30 0 53.989128 -1.109084
YO30 4ST 30 0 53.987684 -1.107147
YO30 4SU 43 0 53.98822 -1.106602
YO30 4SW 36 0 53.989547 -1.109899
YO30 4SX 37 0 53.98801 -1.105066
YO30 4SY 31 0 53.986905 -1.108659
YO30 4SZ 7 0 53.987883 -1.109736
YO30 4TD 38 0 53.983197 -1.100839
YO30 4TE 46 0 53.981723 -1.102044